Server Start Countdown:

14th March 2025

Server Rules

These rules outline acceptable behavior and the consequences for violations.

Tibiara is an online role-playing game in which thousands of players from all over the world meet every day. To ensure the game remains fun for everyone, Tibiara expects all players to behave in a reasonable and respectful manner.

Tibiara reserves the right to stop destructive behavior in the game, on the official website, or in any other part of Tibiara's services. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following offenses:

1. Names

a) Offensive Name Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing, or generally objectionable.
b) Name Containing Forbidden Advertising Names that advertise brands, products, or services unrelated to the game, or trades for real money.
c) Unsuitable Name Names that express religious or political views.
d) Name Supporting Rule Violation Names that support, incite, announce, or imply a violation of the Rules.
e) Impersonation Names that pretend to be another high-profile player for the purpose of fraud.

2. Statements

a) Offensive Statement Insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing, or generally objectionable statements.
b) Spamming Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.
c) Forbidden Advertising Advertising brands, products, or services unrelated to the game, or any trades involving real money.
d) Off-Topic Public Statement Religious or political public statements, or statements unrelated to the topic of the channel or board.
e) Violating Language Restriction Non-English statements in boards and channels where English is explicitly required.
f) Disclosing Personal Data of Others Disclosing personal data of other people.
g) Supporting Rule Violation Statements that support, incite, announce, or imply a violation of the Rules.

3. Cheating

a) Bug Abuse Exploiting errors in the game or related services.
b) Using Unofficial Software Manipulating the client or using bots to gain an unfair advantage.
c) Multi-Clienting Using multiple devices to connect multiple characters.

4. Fraud

a) Pretending to be Tibiara Impersonating a Tibiara representative.
b) Slandering Tibiara Publishing false information or calling for a boycott.
c) False Information to Tibiara Misleading reports or complaints with malicious intent.

5. Legal Issues

a) Hacking and Personal Data Stealing or sharing accounts or personal data.
b) Attacking Tibiara Service Disrupting servers or services through attacks.
c) Violating Law or Regulations Actions breaching applicable laws or agreements.

6. Destructive Behavior

a) Harassment Insulting or baiting other players.
b) Power Abuse Excessive or intentional griefing.
c) Blocking/Trapping Creating obstructions in protection zones.
d) Auction Spoiling Bidding in house auctions with no intention to pay.

Violations or attempts to violate the rules may lead to temporary suspensions or may result in permanent removal of characters and accounts in some cases. Rules may change at any time, with announcements posted on the official website.

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